Thursday, January 22, 2009

Web 2.0

The "world is at my fingertips" when I use the Internet. And Web 2.0 tools make the world be something I can create.

Web 2.0 is the ability to be "anywhere virtually" or "virtually anywhere." It is linking people. Web 2.0 makes us active participants in sharing, trading and collaborating online. Web 2.0 is a
collection of tools that allow all this to happen:

Flikr, Google Docs, Google Groups, YouTube, Blogger, Edmodo and many, many, many more! It is the ability to organize the data anyway I want to and share with others if I want to. Will Richardson says it is "connective writing–connective reading. It is not just a passive piece of paper that I read and file or throw away, it begs to be made my own in some way. Web 2.0 is rich and user friendly according to Wikipedia, another Web 2.0 tool.

  • Blog born every half a second.
  • 100,000,000,000 times a day a Webpage is clicked.
  • Things are done in Real Time.
  • What we do should be available to others, with measure.
  • 2,630 links to Web 2.0 tools on Go2Web2o

The video, "The Machine is Us" really brought home to me how flexible the Web can be for anyone. Text, pictures–anything that can be read, written, drawn, designed, created can be put on the web. This is what Web 2.0 is partly about for me.

One of the main components of Web 2.0 is the ability to collaborate with anyone, anywhere, anytime. For education this means we have to change, just as Will Richardson says. I am not going to require my students to only turn work in with paper and pencil but allow them to use any of the Web 2.0 tools that we might be currently using.

The one we are exploring right now is Edmodo–and it has a turn in assignment place as well as an online grading function. How this will all be used in education is constantly being rethought, but that is what Web 2.0 is all about.

Monday, January 5, 2009

A new semester, a new class...

Second semester-third quarter! I teach sixth grade to a wonderful group of kids and I'm in my 10th year of teaching at the same school.

Along with teaching I am also continuing my own education and am heading into the next two classes for my Ed. Tech. degree, which if all goes as planned I'll have in a year and a half, give or take a few months...

I hope to learn even more about Web 2.0 tools and how to integrate them into the classroom environment. I want to explore all the tools out there but more importantly I want to learn how to evaluate what is really valuable for the classrom.

One of my best discoveries:
This fall I found a teacher in Scotland who uses Web 2.0 tools to connect students from around the world through voice. Each month we have a task to do with our students and then it gets posted on our wiki. Voices of the World has been lots of fun and there are other Alaskan classrooms involved too!